Where Do we have our focus?

Focusing your attention and gratitude on the “YES” is far more empowering than focusing on the “NO” because, when we focus on the “yes”, we are living in the promise of our future. However, when we take our attention off the “yes” and put it on the “no”, we are wasting important time and resources on something that isn’t connected to our future and takes from us rather than adding to us.

How often have we spent time worrying about the “no” instead of rejoicing in the “yes” that we have already been given?

I had a vision a few years ago where I was standing in front of a wood object. I could not make out what the object was until I heard the Lord tell me to step back. I took some steps back and realized I had my nose pressed up against a door. As I looked at the door, the Lord told me to step back again. As I once again stepped back, I began to see all the details around the door. I wasn’t just standing in front of a door; I was standing in the middle of a beautiful garden! I was missing all the beautiful sights, smells, and sounds of my surroundings as my nose was pressed up against a door that I wanted to be opened. I was missing out on the blessings that surrounded me while I was in the waiting. I was wasting time, energy, and focus. I wasn’t present and was missing out on the most important things that were literally right at my feet.

Sometimes, we need to take a step back and be grateful for what is right in front of us and stop looking at what we don’t have.

Let’s take a moment, step back from the door we so desperately want to see open, and tell God how grateful we are for what we have. Let’s live in the moment of our “YES” that is right now.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11


Embracing Change: Finding Strength and purpose in Life’s Transitions

