We are called to be glory carriers

I had a dream a few weeks ago. I think this may encourage a few of you that read this!

In the dream, I was riding in a car with my pastors and their daughter. The car was tight and compact. Because there was not much room, I couldn't take my large Louis Vuitton bag. I had to take my small crossover bag to make room so we could get to where we were going. 

The Lord has shown me this dream isn't JUST for ME but for others as well.

We are called to be glory carriers. 

Somewhere along the way, we have picked up things we thought we needed in order to get to the next level. Or, we haven't gotten rid of things that we need to let go so we can get to where we know we are suppose to be. 

Letting go of things we thought were important can be painful. Dying to self is the only way we can go where He is talking us.

We can't carry the glory if we are full of self. 

Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14

Old wineskins and mindsets have to come off and that can be painful. We can become comfortable in what we carry and not realize it doesn't fit and can no longer go with us. 

The Louis Vuitton bag in my dream represents: IMAGE! Letting go of worldly standards and opinions and accepting God's ways. There is zero grace in choosing man's opinions over Gods ways! 

The crossover bag represents that we are crossing over into something new. There is no longer room for us to carry the heavy baggage of IMAGE or man's opinions of us. We have to follow Him and trust Him as He does this new thing in and through us.

The glory of God reveals His holiness and majesty. 

When we encounter God's glory, we often become acutely aware of His purity and our need to shed the IMAGE we have allowed the world to place on us. 

For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world [with all its pleasures], and forfeit his soul? Mark 8:36

My soul burns for the glory of God. May it never burn for the things of this world! I pray we allow God to remove every part of us that still carries the image and opinions of this world so that when the world looks at us it sees nothing but flames!


Get prepared, the king is coming!


Overcoming Opposition with faith: Lessons from nehemiah 6:1-9