Break free from the fear of man
Some of you have been paralyzed by the fear of man. What others think about you has held you back from being able to break the barriers that you so desperately want to break free from. All of the “I am not good enough” and comparisons has robbed you of your identity.
God gave me a picture of women who, from the very depths of their soul, were crying out for breakthrough but didn't know why the grip of fear was so tight on them. They could never seem to get free from the fear of rejection. I heard women crying out from deep within their souls saying “they left me when I needed them the most”, “they believed the worst of me and abandoned me”, “They couldn't love me the way I needed to be loved”, “God, why? What's wrong with me that the people I loved the most couldn't love me back?”.
Then I heard the Lord say, “Will you give me that pain? Will you let me have it once and for all? Will you trust me even if people reject you, misunderstand you, accuse you and can't see the best in you. Will you trust me when I say you are loved, you are worthy of the best, you will not fail because I am with you. They may have left but I never did and I never will!”.
For us to walk out the divine calling we each have on our lives to the fullest, we must get free of this fear. We have to or we won't be able to go to the next level God is wanting to take us.
The striving to prove yourself of worth and value has to end. It's killing you, it's making you sick in mind, soul and body. The constant competing with others and yourself to be and do even better is distorting the intimacy between you and God.
The deep loneliness will only be healed through the healing of body, soul and mind leading you to be able to engage in that deep intimacy we were all created for.
There is a request from God right now for His bride to be healed in this area. We can no longer live in this place of fear, loneliness, and rejection. Unfulfilled destinies is not the portion of His bride!
Do not let pain become your prophet!
Let the pain of the betrayal and rejection go and allow the new sound to rise forth from your being! The sound of healing!
You are worthy, you are wanted, you are of the greatest value, you are enough, you are loved even in your failures. Failures do not have the power to remove you from your worth or your value.
Hebrews 13:5 - For He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]